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Our Mission

Investing in New Mexico's children and families by strengthening all early childhood programs.

Our Vision

Success for New Mexico’s children and families through high quality and equitable early childhood services.

Our History

The New Mexico Early Childhood Association (NMECA) was formerly known as the New Mexico Child Care & Education Association. We are a nonprofit trade association  founded in 1995 that now represents licensed child care and education centers, home visiting programs, and FIT providers throughout New Mexico. The association was founded  in response to Human Services Department reimbursement rates remaining stagnant for nine years.


The state began giving families more subsidies to afford child care, however, when the cost of living rose, program reimbursement rates did not. Providers weren’t being paid at market prices, so centers began closing their doors.


NMECA was created to serve as the unified voice of the early childhood industry and the professionals that care, educate, and serve the youngest New Mexicans in state legislation.


Today, NMECA continues our advocacy efforts, while also offering professional and leadership development, and opportunities for professionals to collaborate so that all families have access to high-quality child care and the early childhood services they need.

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